Make An Impactful Sales Presentation

You can easily make an impactful Sales presentation if you organize your presentation structure. Your sales deck should have a few key elements.

⦁ Cover slide
⦁ Build-up (context and mega – trends)
⦁ The problem your prospects are facing
⦁ Shortcomings of current solutions
⦁ Potential new solution (without naming yours)
⦁ The value proposition
⦁ The Product you are offering
⦁ Benefits that they get
⦁ Experiences, examples and social proof
⦁ Call to action

Let us learn how to represent a few from the list.

Open PowerPoint

Step 1: Create Company Slide

Step 2: Create Vision, Mission, Values and Strategy Slide

Step 3: Create 3 Key Product Benefit Slide

Step 4: Create Market Facts Infographics Slide

Step 5: Create Market Trends Slide

Step 6: Create Your Unique Solutions Slide

Step 7: Create Product Salient Features Slide

Your presentation is an opportunity to deliver a message that can motivate and inspire the audience. Every sales presentation you deliver to a prospect should be personalized and tailored just for them.

What to do before your Sales Presentation?

Step 1: Research the company and your contact

Step 2: Prepare for the presentation

Scope of Usage

  • Can be used to initiate and close a sale of the product or service
  • Can be used to inform, persuade, motivate or entertain audiences
  • Can be used to build connect with potential customers
  • Can be used to distinguish your business from competitors
