Impressive PowerPoint Timelines for Status meetings

A timeline is probably one of the most used diagrams in a business presentation. Timelines are the best way to share high-level information about your project with managers or stakeholders to quickly wade through status meetings. Timelines cover a great period of time or chronological structuring of events and are a powerful way of conveying sequential information such as historical dates or future project milestones or deadlines.

Let us learn how to create the below Timelines using SmartArt
  1. Circle Accent Timeline
  2. Basic Timeline
  3. Roadmap Timeline
Open PowerPoint

Step1: Click on Insert -> SmartArt

Step 2: In the pop-up box, on the left-hand side, click Process

Step 3: Choose Circle Accent Timeline

Step 4: Enter the Timeline elements

Step 5: Click on Change Colors to find the color scheme that best fits your need

Step 6: Click on Insert –> Text Box

Step 7: Insert suitable Slide Header

Step 8: Preview the Slide

Step 9: Press Ctrl + M to insert a new slide

Step 10: Choose Basic Timeline

Step 11: Add Text

Step 12: You can adjust the fill options using a custom gradient color

Step 13: Insert suitable Slide Header

Step 14: Preview the Slide

Step 15: Click on Insert -> Shapes and select Trapezoid

Step 16: Resize the object and change the color to black

Step 16: Draw the divider line in between using another Trapezoid and adjust the bottom of the shape to simulate a 3D perspective for the divider line.

Step 17: Draw Horizontal lines along the length of the white trapezoid and increase the thickness of the lines as you approach the bottom of the page

Step 18: Change the color the lines to black

Step 19: Change the Text format. Format ->Text effects -> 3D rotation -> Perspective relaxed. This will make the text appear as if it is written on the road. Decrease the font as you move upwards.

Step 20: Preview the Slide

Scope of Usage
  • Can be used by Project Managers responsible for Project Implementations
  • Can be used by Entrepreneurs and business professionals for future plans
  • Can be used by Business Managers to demonstrate business highlights
  • Cab be used by Human Resources to showcase the evolution of a company
